24 March 2010

homemade egg noodles

Homemade egg noodles

Homemade noodles are pretty simple to make and taste really good in comparison to dried pasta. The one downside is that if you don't have a pasta machine to help roll the dough out, it takes a bit more work on your part but it's still doable.

Homemade egg noodles

This recipe starts off plainly with eggs, water, and salt. The flour is added and should be mixed with your hands because it's rather stiff and seemingly dry.

Homemade egg noodles
Homemade egg noodles

Once the you fully incorporate all of the flour into the egg mixture, give the dough a few kneads before covering with plastic wrap to rest. In the second picture, you can see how the flour was given a chance to hydrate and the gluten will have relaxed.

Homemade egg noodles
Homemade egg noodles

Now you're ready to shape the noodles. The part I found tricky was the rolling, mainly because I had to give the dough a few rests between rolling to reach the thinness I wanted.

After rolling, you could cut squares or whatever with a pizza cutter if you wanted, though I wanted larger strands so lightly floured the surface of the dough and rolled it up, jelly roll style. How wide you slice the dough also determines the size of the noodles (keep in mind that it will expand when cooked, too).

Homemade egg noodles
Homemade egg noodles

Separate the rolls and unwind, then lightly toss the noodles with flour. This will keep them from sticking together when the noodles air dry for a few hours. You can also cut the noodles in half if they are too long.

Fresh noodles cook much more quickly than when dried, so when you add them to soup, do so at the very end. If you're making a sauce (I'd recommend a fresh tomato sauce or a marinara to showcase the noodles instead of smothering them), make sure it's completely ready before you cook the noodles.

homemade egg noodles
from Soups for All Seasons

Makes 6 cups noodles

ingredients ~
2 eggs
1 teaspoon coarse salt
2 tablespoons water
2 cups flour

directions ~
  1. Beat eggs until light. Add salt and water. Work in flour to make a very stiff dough. Knead, then form into a ball, cover, and let rest 15 to 30 minutes.

  2. Roll out on a floured board until very thin (you may need to let the dough rest for 5-10 minutes, covered, then come back and roll it out again). Dust top with additional flour and roll up like a jelly roll. Cut into desired widths. Spread out on a flat surface and let dry for two hours.

  3. When ready to cook, drop in boiling water or broth and cook until tender (noodles should be chewy, and the insides won't look raw or mushy, probably about 2-5 minutes -- the recipe didn't give specific times).



  1. awesome recipe!! I cant wait to try this one!!

  2. I have been wanting to make pasta but I don't have a machine. This look sperfect, thanks for the posta nd pictures!

  3. Homemade spaghetti is awesome. I've made it from scratch a few times. I have an attachment for my stand mixer for this purpose.

    For me, it's hit or miss w/ the texture of the dough. There seems to be a thin margin of error for it not to be too dry or too wet.

  4. How you cut your egg noodles makes so much sense! I always just cut them flat with a knife. I shall have to try your technique.

  5. Mary ~ Hope you enjoy it!

    Julia ~ I'm really glad this post is useful!

    Jogger ~ While I'm happy with the results I got here, I still would like a pasta machine or something to achieve the proper size.

    Foy ~ Thanks =)

  6. We're both on blogger so I will be following you here. I love making my own pastas...I do have a machine...maybe this weekend I'll post my red wine pasta recipe...Great to meet and talk food with you. Have a day!

  7. Wow, I'm really impressed!! I've been meaning to make my own pasta FOREVER now... yours looks fantastic :)


  8. aah, i have been meaning to make my own pasta since i got the attachment for my mixer for xmas! looks awesome :)


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